Why “being painfree” from chronic pain is not the key to TRUE happiness
Looking for happiness through the experience of being painfree from chronic pain?
If you are looking for happiness through the experience of being painfree you will find disappointment at some point.
Emotions and duality
Emotions are part of the dualistic mind. This means that there is always an opposite. For example; sad and happy or satisfied and unsatisfied.
All these emotions (this really implies to ALL emotions) are something that you experience from something outside of you.
And not even necessarily because of that thing outside of you, but because of your thoughts about that thing outside of you.
The meaning determines the feeling
The MEANING that you give to that thing outside of you, determines how you will feel about that thing outside of you.
So if you feel for example sad about that thing outside of you, like for example your chronic pain, and this thing outside of you (in this case the chronic pain) changes into something else (like for example painfree) then all of a sudden you feel happy.
But if after 4 months again you have chronic pain, you feel sad again.
And then if after 3 months you are painfree again, you feel happy again.
And so on and so on.
Do you see how the way you feel changes based on something outside of you?
And this happens because you give a meaning to “having chronic pain”. You give it a certain meaning that causes you to feel sad when you “have chronic pain”.
Conditional happiness
So your happiness doesn’t actually come from WITHIN you in this case. You are NOT being the SOURCE of happiness in this case. You are not BEING happiness.
Your source of happiness is something outside of you in this case and so it’s subject to change. You’re dependent and a victim of external circumstances in this case. You can’t experience TRUE happiness in this case, it’s conditional happiness. I’m only happy when/because……(when/because I’m painfree for example)
True unconditional joy BEYOND the mind
TRUE joy is a STATE OF BEING. It’s not an emotion. It’s a state of being. It actually comes from BEYOND the mind and therefor has no opposites. It’s a state of being, it’s coming from deep within.
It’s you BEING joy. Joy itself, you are BEING it. You ARE joy. It’s your state. It’s your state of BEING. It’s your natural state within. It’s your true nature. BEYOND the mind. You are the SOURCE. You are the SOURCE of joy. You are joy itself.
And you can ALWAYS tap into it, it’s not dependant on any external circumstances, it’s just ALWAYS there available for you. Even when you are going through the toughest parts of your life, this pure joy is still always within. It can’t leave, because it’s your true nature, it’s just who you “are”.
You just might not see it because it’s clouded by the dualistic mind (which as said your emotions are part of)
Emotions are always fleeting, and they always have opposites, happiness will at some point become sadness.
There’s nothing wrong with that. We judge it as wrong though and therefor we suffer when we feel sad.
Allowing and choosing your “feeling experience”
Emotions, all emotions, are just there for us to experience, to feel, which is something that doesn’t take days, weeks or months.
If we feel an emotion and we would just go sit with it and allow ourselves to fully feel it, meaning without any judgements on it, then within an hour we can be done. And then we can return to our natural inner state of being, which is joy, peace and love.
This doesn’t mean that is HAS to be done in an hour, but it CAN be. It really depends on whether you can fully let go of your own mind, your perspective on the external situation that makes you feel emotion, and just fully FEEL.
And again, there’s nothing wrong with holding on to emotions for a longer time, there’s no “right” or “wrong”. Even if it takes you weeks, months or years. That’s also not “wrong”, it’s just an experience. But again, we make it wrong, we tell ourselves that is wrong to simmer in those emotions for weeks/months/years.
You can just be in your awareness that you always have a choice of how you feel. If you feel like feeling “sad” for weeks or months instead of for 1 hour, that’s totally okay, you can just be aware of choosing that experience of feeling like that for months. At some point you’ll probably get sick and tired of it and will choose to change it.
It’s the difference between being consumed by your thoughts and emotions and being aware of the thoughts and emotions being present in that moment. And the awareness that you have a choice.
You are NOT your thoughts, nor your emotions. You are the awareness being aware of the thoughts and emotions. And you have at all times a choice, to either engage with the thoughts and emotions and to feed them so they will continue to live on OR the choice to be aware of them and to allow yourself to fully feel the emotions, to let them move THROUGH you, so that they can move on.
Experience ALL emotions on the spectrum
So just to be extra clear in case this was a thought that came into your head, this does NOT mean you should feel joyful all the time. No. You experience ALL emotions on the spectrum. But you always have a choice to engage and feed them or to just experience them so they can move on and you can go back to your natural state of joy, peace and love.
Emotions VS your natural state of being
With emotions it’s like you feel that way because of …… [fill in the reason]. It’s conditional. It changes based on something, on certain circumstances.
With your state of being it’s like you just feel that way. There’s no “because of…”. It’s just there. It’s unconditional. It doesn’t change because of something. It can get clouded up though by our thoughts and emotions, but it’s still there within, underneath those clouds, it never leaves, never.
How to find the feeling of joy WITHIN?
So as said, the way you find this feeling this inner state of being, this state of being from within of joy, peace and love is by letting go of the clouds of thought and emotions.
Go into the complete silence within, beyond the mind.
The more you do this, the more this state of being will appear and the longer it will stay.
Until it will just be there during large parts of the day or even the whole day.
And this doesn’t mean thoughts and emotions can’t come up anymore, they can, but you just allow them to be there and so they move on real quickly again too.